Selling during Easter

20 Mar 2024

In many instances throughout Real Estate, there’s always plenty of arguments towards bucking the trend in various situations. This is usually born out of a desire for ones listing to stand out, and the argument for selling during Easter is no different.

Like most other holiday periods, the hesitance towards selling during Easter comes down to the obvious; people are busy with other things - seeing family, heading off on a trip somewhere, or even just enjoying long-awaited catchups with friends. While competition no doubt drives prices up during more desired periods, planning to launch post-Easter will put you in the same boat as countless amounts of sellers waiting for the exact same moment. This sudden influx creates an instantly higher level of competition, meaning less buyers competing with each other for your property as there’s now far more to choose from. Conversely, although there will be less buyers over the Easter break, less properties on the market allows you stand out far more effectively, and the serious buyers won’t be taking much of a break anyway!


Another key to unlocking the full potential of the Easter break is simply to do your research. Anything particularly unique about your property, area, or a combination of both can be used to your advantage during leaner times. It could very well be the case that during Easter, your homes style, position, land size or even suburb is the only one of its kind on the market, meaning buyers are again less spoiled for choice and more likely to view your property as a viable option.

Lastly, the market is hot! Stock is barely hitting the market before it gets snapped up, and buyers are fully aware of this by now. Anyone looking to buy knows how cutthroat the environment is at the moment, and even if they’re on holidays, they’ll no doubt be lying by the beach or pool, scrolling through properties with one hand and a drink in the other.

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