Winter gardening hacks to take you through to spring

20 Jun 2018

watering-735x450.jpgThere’s always something to do in the garden, even during winter! And by doing a little bit of work now, you’ll be sitting pretty when spring arrives.

Protect plants from frost
If you have tropical plants in pots, now is the time to move them under the shelter of the verandah or indoors to protect them from frost.

For plants in the garden bed, spray them with a frost guard for some added protection.

Prune away
Get out those secateurs and prune back deciduous plants such as roses, wisteria and hydrangeas to get rid of spent flowers from last season and make way for the new. However, take care not to prune when frost is forecast, as it could damage the plant.

Get planting
There are some stunning plant varieties that are available in winter, in fact, now is a prime time to plant many spring-flowering varieties. Make a trip to your local plant nursery and get planting!

Fruit trees and your vegetable patch
There is always something to grow in your vegie patch, so don’t let winter stop you.

In fact, root vegetables are better posed to develop a sweet flavour during winter as the cold helps convert starches to sugar.

Some great winter-loving vegies to plant, include:
  • Red mizuna
  • English and baby spinach
  • Kale
  • Rocket
  • Spring onions
  • Leeks
  • Celery
  • Broad beans
  • Beetroot
  • Carrot
  • Radish
If you have citrus trees, be sure to use an all-purpose citrus fertiliser in late July to see them through to spring. Plant your strawberries now, too.

Install a water tank
Take advantage of all this rain by installing a rain water tank. They come in all different shapes and sizes so there’s bound to be one that will fit your space. Come the warmer months, you’ll be able to save on water costs.


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